The Squirrel Tree Home is a collaborative outdoor decorative item. You could build as many as you like as long as they are available.
The Squirrel Tree Home was special. Building this item enables you to decorate your pet house's outdoor Yard. Once this item is built, you can place decorative items in your pet's yard. This item can be used as one of those decorations.
Building this item required you to send requests directly to 6 friends for materials. You needed to request 2 Acorns, 2 Oaks, and 2 Roofs.
As with other collaborative materials, these building materials are not put in your inventory, nor are they deducted from your inventory when you send them.
When this item was removed the Yard Decorating was made free although players are required to get into level 6 to be able to. The Squirrel Tree Home, however, cannot be sold nor gifted.
Item Summary[]
- Cost: Free with friends' help, or 12 PFC
- Sells for: Cannot be Sold
- Recycle: Cannot be Recycled
- Giftable?: No
- Added: 17 February 2011
- Removed: Yes