Pet Society Wiki

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This wiki is an online community collaboration of all things Pet Society.

It is not supported by or affiliated with Playfish.

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Game Description

Pet Society is an internet social game developed by Playfish. The game, which is launched within Facebook, has been ranked as the most popular Facebook application. Players can choose a pet, its gender, name, colour, features (ears, nose, mouth etc.), and even visit friends and bring gifts for them. The pet has to be fed, washed and entertained by a range of activities like visiting friends, caressing it and playing with it. The more you play, the more your Paw Points grow and the more items become available for your pet. Your house will also gain more and more rooms. Of course, you can decorate your rooms with the things you buy in shops. Playfish regularly updates the game so every time you visit your pet, there's always something new!

Game Information

Button collaborative Button cooking Button fishing
Button free gifts Button gardening Button hideeni
Button levels Button lottery Button mystery boxes
Button petlings Button tips Button trading
Button trophies Button visiting

Neighborhood Locations

Boutique button Cafe button Clothes button Diy button
Food button Furniture button Market button Mystery button
Outdoor button Pond button Stadium button Treasure map button


Latest activity

Help the Wiki!

Can you help? We are looking for more people to regularly update pages on the game! Either check out the Wiki Activity section or see Pickle's page for more info on specific areas we need help with. The main articles that could use your help include:

Not sure where to start?

If you are new to Wikia, see the Wiki Newbie Guide.

If you are new to Pet Society, see the PS Newbie Guide.

Create New Article

Can't find what you are looking for? Contribute and help make this the best resource for Pet Society users. To write a new article, just enter the article title in the box below and click the button. Just remember to search the wiki first to make sure your article doesn't already exist!

<createbox> width=24 break=no buttonlabel=Create new article </createbox>
