Pet Society Wiki
Screen Shot 2012-01-07 at 6.59

The Japanese New Year Garden is a bonus room that is freely gifted by pet society to users who logined on 1 January, 2012 as a New Year bonus. After login in pet society on that day, users will receive the Japanese New Year Garden Entrance, which will lead to the Japanese New Year Garden. There are three garden plots in this room. You do not have to have the item in a room to go to the garden.

Like all secret rooms, a player can only have one room of this type. Selling the entrance item will cause you to lose your room, so do not sell / recycle it!

Also like other secret rooms, you cannot apply wallpaper or floors to this room. However, you can decorate it with other items. This room is smaller than the regular rooms in your house.

This room will be hidden from visiting friends as long as the Japanese New Year Garden Entrance is in your inventory. Placing the object in a room in your house will allow friends to see the room.

Room Appearance[]

391987 229847753757410 100001965612988 530558 1193318659 n
